Technical Assistance “Further Implementation of Environmental Approximation Strategy”, Republic of Serbia

Short name




Name of client, beneficiary

Serbia - Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

Origin of funding

European Commission - IPA

Names of consortium members

EPTISA Servicios de Ingeniería, S.L., Spain (EPTISA), Project Management Limited, Ireland (PM)

Project start


Project end


Short description

The overall objective of the project was to provide assistance to Serbia’s institutions and to strengthen its environmental infrastructure in order to comply with the environmental acquis. Therefore, the Ministry for environmental capacities was supported to ensure further alignment with EU environment acquis. Furthermore, the institutional capacity needed to harmonize Serbian with EU environmental at all levels of governance was built. Another target area was financial planning. Experts of the Umweltbundesamt (Environment Austria Agency) helped to prepare Serbia’s administration to implement Directive Specific Implementation Plans (DSIP). 

Services provided:

  • Further alignment with the EU environmental acquis ensured;
  • Support on the preparation of table of content, methodology and working plan for 5 DSIPs;
  • Preparation of DSIP for the batteries and accumulators Directive;
  • Preparation of DSIP for the WEEE Directive
  • Preparation for DSIP for the packaging and packaging waste Directive;
  • Preparation for DSIP for the Waste Framework Directive;
  • Preparation for DSIP for the Drinking Water Directive.



Technical Assistance, Waste, WBTR, Water, Capacity Building, Enforcement and Environmental Law