Anderl Michael, Bürgler Manuela, Colson Jérôme, Gangl Marion, Kuschel Verena, Makoschitz Lisa, Matthews Bradley, Mayer Merlin, Mayer Simone, Moldaschl Erwin, Pazdernik Katja, Poupa Stephan, Purzner Maria, Rockenschaub Anne Karina, Roll Michael, Schieder Wolfgang, Schmid Carmen, Schmidt Günther, Schodl Barbara, Schwaiger Elisabeth, Schwarzl Bettina, Stranner Gudrun, Weiss Peter, Wieser Manuela, Zechmeister Andreas, Banko Gebhard, Bartel Andreas:

    Austria´s National Inventory Report 2024.

    Submission under Regulation (EU) No 2018/1999.

    Wien, 2024
    Reports, Band 0909
    ISBN: 978-3-99004-751-4
    732 S.
    The National Inventory Report 2024 (NIR 2024) gives a detailed and comprehensive description of the trend and the methodologies applied in the Austrian air emissions inventory for the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, HFC, PFC, SF6 and NF3.

    With this report, Austria complies with its reporting obligations under the
    EU Governance Regulation No 2018/1999 by providing transparent and
    verifiable documentation. It contains emission data by sector for the years 1990 - 2022 as well as information on emission factors, activity data and
    other basic data for emission calculations.

    Moreover, the report provides documentation of the national inventory system and quality control and assurance activities as performed by the
    accredited Inspection Body for Emission Inventories (ISO/IEC 17020).


    ➜ Zusammenfassung/Summary barrierefrei